Lidy van Marissing – de verwerping van het stilzitten

  • Medium: book
  • Year: 2024
  • Client: het balanseer

Lidy van Marissing (1942) is a writer, poet, jour­nal­ist, and screen­writer. She debuted in 1968 with Ontbinding, een antiro­man’. She was an edi­tor at De Volkskrant and Tijdschrift Raster and wrote the screen­play for films by Frans van der Staak. Her poetry col­lec­tion Zoek de lege gebieden’ was nom­i­nated for the VSB Poetry Prize in 2008. In April 2024, she was awarded the tri­en­nial Sybren Polet Prize for exper­i­men­tal literature.

On the occa­sion of the award­ing of the Sybren Polet Prize for the oeu­vre of Lidy van Marissing, her new col­lec­tion de ver­w­er­p­ing van het stilzit­ten’ will be pub­lished on the same day as the award ceremony.

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